Monday, February 8, 2010

3:00 A.M...what comes to your mind when you hear 3:00 A.M.?...personally I think , "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"...but what would Leisa be thinking at 3:00 A.M.?..."I gotta get to class!!!!" That's right, at 3:00 A.M. this morning, Leisa was walking to class. Apparently she woke up at 2:20...literally two hours after she had gone to bed...and thought her clock said 6:20. So, in her usualy routine, she got up, got ready, and got out the door. It wasn't until she got to 5th South that she suddenly realized, "hey, there's no cars on the road...that's odd." It was then that she rechecked her phone and realized, "Hey, it's 3 A.M....AHHH!! IT'S 3 A.M.!!!!" So she walked home and got back in bed until she was supposed to get up. So next time you wake up at 3 A.M., GO BACK TO BED!!


Amberae said...


Deborah said...

COBY!! Leisa told me this story.... hahahahahahah oh my goodness I couldn't stop laughing!!