So sometimes I get a little stressed and my brains shuts down, but that's normal right? Right (at least that's what I tell myself). When this happens I usually just make my way down to the Field House here at the University of Utah and join in a few pickup-games of 4-on-4 basketball with some random guys and it helps me cool down and I can study again. Yesterday however, I was in for a special treat. It was raining so I didn't want to walk all the way down to the Field House so I had to satisfy myself with the HYPR just down the road. I've never played there mind you, so this was an adventure from the begining. After searching for at least 25 minutes to find a court that wasn't taken by senior citizen arobics, a really scary karate guy, and the university cheerleading squad (how you doin'?), I finally found a free court that was just being cleared out by volleyball players (have you seen the size of those guys?! They're ginormous!!"). As the goliaths walked out I (a goliath inside....and that's what counts right?...right.) walked in to shoot around a bit. But then to my surprise company showed up....short company. I was pretty sure that I'd found the missing Chinese basketball team. There were about 20 in all and I"m pretty sure that maybe two of them, maybe two, were taller than me! Talk about a self-esteem booster! But then came the road-block....I wanted to play with them...they wanted me to play....but I don't speak Mandarine Chinese....and aparently they don't speak any shape or form of audible english (which doesn't say they didn't try to grunt a few syllables out). Yeah, talk about akward. Then out of no where this older guy (and by "older" I mean in his late 60's) comes in and acts like he knows exactly what they're saying and forms up teams and they get started! Okay, what the heck just happened?! I've been trying to understand what they're saying for the last half hour and this guys waltzes in here and goes General Patton on me and takes charge! All I got out of them was that they had a ball and they were from China....that's it. I tried to get them to form teams and start playing and they looked at me like I was a retard and basically shunned me to the far corner to play by myself (oh no! not kindergarten all over again!). However, after seeing them play for a while I was kinda glad I didn't speak Mandarine because I'm pretty sure that they sent a handfull of guys to the hospital because they might have been under the impression they were playing hockey...and look out Wayne Gretzky, cause they've got a mean hip-check. So after that little adventure I was ready to go back and study. Needless to say the first physics problem I attempt begins, "The US basketball team goes to China to play an exhibition game...." too funny. (ps, I flippin rocked that problem! I'm all over air pressures!)
haha, i like the "how you doin'" comment. it made me laugh out loud. but i do that a lot since i'm home very day with a 1 year old...
i just randomly laugh out loud, no particular reason.
but it really was funny. keep up the good posts coby!
OH Coby!!! I haven't sat down to read blogs in such a long time! And what a suprise to see that you have posted numersous times since the last time I'd checked! Well, sad little monkey, I'm commenting! ;) You never did say if you played with the Chinese guys? Were you just content to watch? Haha!
Too bad we can't look on the blog that the guys you were playing with posted. It probably reads something like this. "We played basketball with gigantic American today, wowsers did he know how to play, I'll bet he used to play for the University or something to be that good!" A little ball is just what the dr ordered when it comes to needin a little time away from the books.
"gigantic American"...I like it, bonus points to you.
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