Someone once said that "Laughter is an instant vacation"...the Bahamas anyone?
Friday, September 19, 2008
OKAY NEW "COBY'S-BLOG" RULE: IF YOU READ IT RESPOND!!! Leave your innermost thoughts, another tidbit of something that happened to you....anything! I get bored really fast so you should say something.
Today I took Amber and Clay to El Salvador, an awesomely authentic south American restaurant. While we were eating, clay pooped his pants and Ambers pants are now wet with poop!!HA HA.
so you say i need to write something but what should i say. my life is so boring. i started working. yippy! not. it is working out. but the funny thing is that isabella just cries as soon as i leave the house and will cry for about 1 1/2 hours or 2 hours until she is so tired that she will sleep all night long. it is pretty funny. but that is life. tiff
I never thought I would get sucked into the black hole that is "blogging". I figured I would keep my distance and not get burned. To take a line from You've Got Mail, "in my opinion the internet is just another way to be rejected by a woman." But by my brother's suggestion I begin. It is dedicated to every akward, funny, and random story that happens to me, or that I am witness to. Names might be changed, but no promises. If you're dumb enough to make it on here, the general populus should know.
Today I took Amber and Clay to El Salvador, an awesomely authentic south American restaurant. While we were eating, clay pooped his pants and Ambers pants are now wet with poop!!HA HA.
Oh, i read this!!! I think it's a great rule, but the same goes for you!
so you say i need to write something but what should i say. my life is so boring. i started working. yippy! not. it is working out. but the funny thing is that isabella just cries as soon as i leave the house and will cry for about 1 1/2 hours or 2 hours until she is so tired that she will sleep all night long. it is pretty funny. but that is life.
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